4 breakfast ideas without added sugar

The morning meal does not necessarily mean "sweet cereals". Discover some ideas of simple ingredients to prepare and perfect to start the day.

Cereals and pastries are very convenient to consume in the morning because they do not require preparation. But they are filled with sugar. And what happens when we give sugar to our body? He draws all his energy from these foods and, a few hours later, he is dry. We become irritable, tired, and we will seek to fill this gap by consuming more sugar. Good news: By taking the time to replace some breakfast foods, we can start the day off right, maintain our line, balance our hormones, and energize.




Poached, boiled, omelette, plain or mixed with spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes ... there is a wide variety of egg recipes easy to cook and convenient for the morning. Rich in protein, they will allow you to hold on until the lunch break without going through the box "munchies" of 11 hours.




Cooked with water, cow's milk or other vegetable milk, and mixed with seeds to replenish protein, oatmeal is THE solution to replace cereals at breakfast. You can accompany them with a grated apple or cut into pieces, and a little cinnamon. Another recipe: mix almond milk, a spoonful of peanut butter, a chopped banana and red or black fruit for a creamy, smooth and balanced meal.




Opt for a natural Greek yogurt to bring enough protein to your body, then add a handful of fresh fruit in chunks or even frozen to save time, and some seeds for a fiber intake. You can "customize" your yogurt with coconut if you like this scent.

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A slice of grilled whole-grain bread, topped with avocado pieces, a drizzle of lemon juice, chili powder, salt, and olive oil is a great way to satisfy your appetite in the morning. You can opt for a less spicy version by spreading yogurt on bread, then strawberries and a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Yum !